May 24, 2012

Today's Han Zi : 春天來了 (Chun Tian Lai Le) Let's learn Chinese characters everyday!

春天來了 (chūn tiān lái le)
The Spring has already come!

TenTen will post about 5 characters a day. Those characters are from the elementary-school Chinese textbooks.vJust try to memorize some characters a day; after one year, you will know more than 1000 even 2000 characters!!!

The writing principle is:
1. 從上到下 (From the top to the bottom) 
2. 從左到右 (From the left to the right)

Today, lets learn 春 (chūn)、天 (tiān)、來 (lái)、了 (le) these chracters

[Traditional] 春天來了
[Simplified] 春天来了
[Pronunciation] chūn tiān lái le
[Meaning] The Spring has come!

Another meaning:
If someone says "Wo De Chun Tian Lai Le, " he means "My love has come / I have already fell in love"


1 comment:

  1. Wow, Good article!
    How to learn Chinese better?
    Chinese is a most difficult language, withou courage you will never succeed!
